Everyone needs a champion for change.
I am a health ambassador dedicated to helping people live a better, balanced lifestyle.
My career in advertising found me constantly trying to manage my stress through healthy practices. Meditation and sleep routines allowed me to excel in a high stress environment. As my education continued in the areas of nutrition, emotions and self-care, the scope of continuous health improvement (both mind and body) that I experienced with these lessons was profound, and quite honestly, really simple.
Everything in life is how you look at it and change it for yourself.
My focus is to help people decrease their stress and optimize their health.
For the last 10 years I dedicated the time to learn all aspects of how stress negatively impacts our minds and bodies. It was a critical learning curve for me, and the knowledge I gained allowed me to thrive despite working arduous hours across every time zone.
I know first-hand that stress and pressure have adverse effects on us and can remain deep in the fibers of our being at the cellular level. It’s why inflammation, anxiety and emotional fatigue are so ever-present. My dad always told me that I did everything early in my life. I graduated high school early, left college early, started my own business early and I think I might have stress peaked early. Never heard of a stress peak? Well, that’s my marketing brain making up word combinations. I define stress peak as the highest point of stress impact one can feel. I hit it at 39 years of age. Thankfully, I now have the knowledge, tools and resources to support others healthily manage their stress and to fully support them on a road to achieving a more stable and energetic self.